Sunday, February 15, 2015

When He Lives At Home With His Momma..........

If dating wasn't hard enough already, we also have to deal with all the details surrounded with the person.  All things being constant something's are simply deal breakers.

For example a friend was just sharing with me how she had met this great guy.  She liked him enough to take it to the next level and decided to go home with him after dinner for a little one on one.  She said the night was going great and she was looking forward to making out with him.  To her surprise when they walked in the front door his Mother was in the living room camped out. 

he looked at her and said this is my mother.  She took one look at that woman and ran out the front door.  He chased her and said what's wrong?  She asked him "Do you live with your mother?"  He replied well yeah sure what's wrong with that?  Needless to say that was the last time she went out with that guy.  She liked him but where can they really go with that? 

If you were in a similar situation would you stay or would you go?  Would you date a guy that lives at home with his Mother? 

In my opinion its time to grow up and cut the strings already.  To keep it simple, "IT'S NOT HOT!"

Make Good Choices.

Happy Dating Darlings,
