The answer to this question is going to vary depending on who your talking to and what their goals are. Now if you don't have a focus or a goal in regards to relationships be it in the present or the future you may not believe in a "Time Frame" for being intimate. In order to make this an informative one to grow on I will have to explain what it truly means to be "Intimate" with someone.
An intimate relationship is a particularly close interpersonal relationship, and the term is sometimes used euphemistically for a sexual relationship.
Intimate relationships play a central role in the overall human experience. Men and women have a
universal need to belong and to love which is satisfied within an intimate relationship. Intimate relationships consist of the people that we are attracted to, whom we like and love, romantic and sexual relationships, and those whom we marry and
provide and receive emotional and personal support from. Intimate relationships provide people with a social network of people that provide strong emotional attachments and fulfill our universal
need of belonging and the need to be cared for.(Wikipedia)
Physical intimacy is characterized by
romantic or passionate love and
attachment, or sexual activity.
The characteristics of an intimate relationship include an
enduring behavioral interdependence, repeated interactions and
emotional attachment.
There are several stages in intimate relationships that have been identified: the beginning or development stages (attraction and dating), relational maintenance and repair (forgiveness), relational stressors (conflict and betrayal), and relational termination (models of dissolution).
Based on what you've just read clearly lays out why there should be a time frame for when one is sexually intimate. So if we can see how important and fragile this is why do most of us jump into it so carelessly as if there were no strings attached.
Every time you decide to be sexually intimate, based on what is true you are giving a large part of yourself up to chance and risk.
The chance that this person may be unloyal, dishonest, the risk that this person could hurt you emotionally or even physically in regards to disease. As adults its so important to treat each other with respect as we take people with us emotionally and spiritually.
Typically it is the woman's choice to say "Lets take our time to get to know each other". If he doesn't want to wait, it should be just fine for him to make his way to the closest exit. No one needs that kind of pressure from a grown fool. Your obviously on two different planets.
Ladies if he is someone you are truly interested in don't be foolish and give all your good stuff away thinking this will keep him. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Theres so much more to a truly great relationship and him saying he wont stick around if sex isn't on the menu Month 3 isn't one of them. See ya later punk!
And stop making excuses for making poor choices. Its time to get your shit together and get a relationship that supports you! We can do it!
I'd like to know what you think about saving something special for someone special or in some case not saving it. Let me hear it! I know your burning to tell me what you think.
I'll be looking to hear from you.......