And further more why do more men than women love it so much! In quiet spaces and unknown places ladies are keen on this Pandora's box as well. Shhhh... don't tell anybody.
The truth of the matter is that 1 in 3 Porn viewers are Women. Unsurprisingly 70% of Men watch Porn on the internet in 1 Month. Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. 12% of the Internet websites are pornographic, that's 24,644,172 sites. 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites.
20% of Men admitted to watching porn while at work.
Not to mention that more than 60% of print advertising like the photo of this Yves Saint Laurent Poster uses sex as the draw. (Photo provided by Daily Mail) Why? Because it sells in a world that has created its foundation around sex. This advertisement received more than 730 complaints to the ASA for it's sexual imagery. But in comparison to the number of porn viewers in a day; more than tripled the amount of people who view themselves as moral consumers who disliked the sexual content of these types of ads.
And the worst of my findings is that Sunday is the most popular day that porn is watched online.
Is it possible that the world is obsessed with being obsessed? This would explain why so many people have problems in their relationships and communicating with the opposite sex. Even further since Men "supposedly" run the world; it gives light to why so many Women are brain washed to believe that prostitution of any kind is an "OPTION" as a career choice. The stats are alarming but true. Could sex be destroying the standards and integrity of the world?
What do you think? Do you think its ruining the fiber of what this country was built or is it just entertainment?
I'd like to hear from you!
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