I hear a lot of talk from Men and Women that they really want to be with somebody nice. This is definitely a reasonable request. However there is Homework that should be done before going on the pursuit to find your perfect mate. You have to ask yourself if you are ready of "Prime Time". Meaning, do you have yourself together mentally, emotionally and financially.
Imagine two people who get together based on surface ideas. They both attractive and are visually attracted to one another. But once the first, second and third dates have passed things become more intense. It's after the preliminary period that the real "Relationship Building" starts.
While your Single realize that spending time alone is great. This is the time that you figure out who you are, your likes and dislikes. Make sure you understand what kind of man or women you are wanting to meet. It's a great time to pay off any debt that you may have as we'll. Finances play a huge role in a grounded relationship. If your finances are not together this could cause a problem further down in the relationship.
If your still hung up on another person it would be a good idea to get emotionally healed. It's a good idea not to take any old baggage into a new relationship. This is a new start to the possibility of! So be open to seeing a Therapist to create a new way of thinking and clearing the way for LOVE to happen.
I'm a true believer that a good relationship can and will happen if you do your homework and start within. If you don't want to date yourself why would anyone else?
And last but not least get out there! It's healthy for your self esteem and mental stability to interact socially with people of the same and opposite sex. If your highly motivated on your dating track at this stage get online and plug in to Internet Dating.
There's a mate for every person so prepare and declare that you will be successful. Show yourself friendly and be optimistic that its going to be a good journey.