Friday, August 9, 2019

Is It Okay To Date A Separated Man?

Image result for Dating the Separated Man

Hello Ladies!

Happy Friday to you, it's a beautiful day here in Chicago.  So what's up with that question right?  I myself had been keeping conversation and heavy thoughts about a man I'd met not too long ago.  He mentioned that he was Separated and it went over my head for about five minutes and I went back to the conversation and asked a few questions that I felt he really never honestly answered.  I thought so Separated is still Married.  So your married!!?  Oh no! I was so bummed.  So I got myself all excited about an unavailable man.  Your thinking what I'm thinking; how did that happen to me?  My answer is, I really don't know what happened.  He let me know he was Separated but he waited until I was really into him to tell me the real details which were;  I'm never getting a divorce for this and that reason.  And I felt he was kind of mean about it on the phone because he didn't want to really talk about it.  I'm thinking your not the only person in the room I have feelings over here.  But my response to the reality of the situation was I have got to get out of this thing whatever it is before I put myself in a bad place.  This was my first love interest in a very long time so I was mortified that the guy I liked was basically in a corrupt marriage situation, Separated.  I'm thinking, well get a divorce???  Then I came to myself and knew I had to end it.  Literally, stop it in its tracks in the beginning before I fall in love, before sex, before anything else!

I'm going to keep it simple with the facts:
Image result for is separated still married
  • Married is Married. 
  • Separated is Married.
  • Don't Fool Yourself he's Married and Doesn't want a Divorce
  • He will never be your Husband, Oh because he's totally Married.    
It's morally wrong as a Christian to even get involved in something this messy especially if you are praying for a committed relationship.  It doesn't work, not to mention all the bad Carma your going to end up creating for yourself.  It's just not worth it.  And while your thinking about the yummy passionate kisses you had with this person think about his wife.  Even if they no longer live together, it's irresponsible and lazy. You just have to walk away from this crap.  It's nonsense and honestly a false profit.  Unfortunately, it does nothing for the Single completely free of baggage person to be involved with a Separated person.

In the end, if you go this route you will probably end up with a broken heart and not getting what you want.  Don't settle in your life.  Be the leading lady in your Story.

God says your worth everything!

As always,
Happy Dating & God Bless!
