Thursday, May 19, 2011

With Child or Without? Thats the Question.

Most women and men have a list of preferences that are deal breakers when dating the opposite sex.  Some people wont date a person who lives in another state, has a roommate or doesn't make a certain amount of money.  But what happens when your deal breaker is dating someone who has a child from a previous relationship?  For quite a few people this is a deal breaker. 

I've had the experience of dating someone who had a child and I must say it was more trouble than it was worth.  Heres why this can be troublesome:  When your single with out children you pretty much do whatever you want to do.  However if you mix a single person with no children and a single person with children you get unequality.  Theres sometimes a conflict with scheduling of time, no spontaneous meetings or too many unplanned meetings.  The feeling of settling started to enter my mind and after a while it felt like I never left my job.  I have to say it wasn't a whole lot of fun. 

I'd be interested in reading what you have to say about this.  Obviously this is a deal breaker for me.
If your new romantic interest has a child is it a deal breaker for you?
If you decide you want to continue dating someone with children, heres some tips:

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