Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Has Online Dating Saved Your Dating Life?

Hi, My name is Jim and I enjoy long walks and longer books.  Blah, Blah, Blah. I've tried online dating extensively only to be even more disappointed than I was with my face  to face meetings with the opposite sex.  In a simple statement from my brain to yours  "it sucked".  It was probably the biggest waste of money I've ever spent.  To my surprise the people were not who they said they were at all.  Online they were mysterious and clever.  In person they were frumpy and unemployed.  At a couple dates I even burst out laughing at the comparison of the profile and the actual person.
What do think about the online dating rave?  Is it working for you and if so tell us how we can make it work for us?  Can't wait to hear from you!  Please post at TheDatingFactor.Blogspot.com      :)

1 comment:

Supersajin said...

I tried it for a month or two. Hated it.

1. People have online personalities vs. real personalities and often people have a hard time distinguishing between the two.
2. Online dating allows people who would never have the amount of dates access to people they would have never dated (I guess this is the point right?) But here is the problem. These people tend to think more of themselves or are unrealistic of their true value in a relationship. Just because you have 3 online dates in 1 week does not necessarily mean you have the personality to attract 3 people.
3. I found that personal chemistry trumps online chemistry any & every day