Friday, April 11, 2014

Younger Woman, Older Woman Study: How Old Of A Man Will You Date?

It's a bold question but one that comes up in girlfriend conversations frequently.  While conducting conversations with different women of different ages I was shocked by what women felt about the older man?  The results were informative and mind opening, younger woman were more willing to date a slightly less attractive older man with the exception that he is financially stable.  Given that fact the younger women would date the older guy and pass by a younger guy who may not have all his ducks in a row so to speak.  The older women's response to dating older men was a concern of "Sexual Stamina".  Most of the older women felt that sexual compatibility was on the top of the list.  His financial status fell considerably below the importance that younger women rated the possibility of dating an older man.  15 years was the standard for the ladies in their 30's and the 50-60 year old women preferred a man 10-20 years younger than them.  So it was a difference between Financial Security and Sexual Stamina. 

What do you think?  Would you choose sex over finance for a prettier and tighter body?  Let me know what's on your mind when it comes down to it.

Even still dating should be fun.  Pick whom you choose.  Just be happy with that choice no matter what anybody thinks.

As always Happy Dating!


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