Sunday, November 29, 2015

He Licked What? On Who? And Kissed You? Gross!

I'm about to get real with you Ladies.  But this post is about Cheaters.  Guys who are with someone but scream to the sky they want and need to spend time with you! Wonderful you!  Okay that's real cute but what about that significant other that he's with.  That girl he goes home to and sleeps with, has sex with.  The girl who he just had sex with in every way imaginable and then showed up to meet you with her still on him and her in his MOUTH!  OMG.  Yes I said it because its true.  Your basically kissing her thang thang an hour after. 

First of all its gross and secondly you need to get your mind right.  Are you sloppy seconds?  Do you deserve no commitment, no truthfulness, no authenticity, no real love, no honesty.  Is this what you deserve?  If you keep down playing yourself into an imitation of life, to visit some girls reality and be happy about whatever you get your not living a golden life, your living a whorish life.

That man will smile in your face, tell you your beautiful but all the while thinking the very least of you. He's only interested in getting what he wants.  IT'S NEVER ABOUT YOU.  And the most patient of men will wait for what they want.  Don't continue to put yourself in a box that says you have a price and can be bought.  The minute you settle for LESS is the moment to realize you've settled for even Less than what you have gotten. 

Ladies Know Your Worth!

Take Away:  If You Act Like It, you Will Be Treated Like IT.

Love You Dolls!  Love. One.

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