Sunday, April 10, 2016

Same Night Hook Ups - Are You A Slut?


This is a tricky and old subject however I think a lot of people still need some guidance when it comes to knowing the basics of dating.  If your interested in reading my Dating 101 post please go through the posts and have a read and update yourself!

In any case ladies if you want these men to respect you and treat you the way you always imagined a man would treat you, you have got to resist jumping into bed with guys the first day you meet or go out to dinner with them. There's a name that they may call you after this one night of bad judgement.  Actually a few names that I wont list here as I believe we already know what they are.  Besides it not being a good look its simply not safe!  There are sexually transmitted diseases that you could be exposing yourselves to.  You have to be a smarter, savvier and more sophisticated lady in the way you carry yourself.  I'm hoping that I wont have to review this again and that you ladies are set straight.  So I'll leave you with this, from the mouth of my Grandfather to his daughters growing up, "Don't Step Out Your Step In's".

On that note be well, be safe, be gracious, be a lady.

Positive Note:  There is nothing wrong with you.  You are the apple of Gods eye.  You are perfectly made and deserve the very very best always!

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