Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Like Who Likes You!

I was having a conversation with some friends and we were talking about how the men that we like are unattainable and have commitment issues "aka" not interested in commitment at all.  Sound like a familiar conversation?  Well that's because its unfortunately a common discussion between ladies. Here's the problem, we've got to start liking the people that like us.  That sounded so easy didn't it?  Well that's because it is.  Why go on carrying the torch for some clown who doesn't dig you?  BYE!  Tell him BYE!  No one needs that kind of torture so stop doing it to yourself.  Give yourself a break, dating is hard enough without you kicking yourself when your down. 

Here's what your gong to do now.  Your going to get back up and start looking up from where you are and notice all the wonderful men around you that want to take you out for dinner,  call you and ask you how you are, court you incessantly and eventually, commit to you in a relationship. Yes its just that easy!  You have to look into the men who are totally into you.  Not the scary guys but that cute nice guy that you have totally over looked. Now get to it and let me know how it goes.  If it's not a love match, there's always online dating. 

Best of Love To You! 


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