Monday, June 28, 2010

How long should you date before having SEX?

We want to know what your experiences have been.  Please share your opinions!


Free said...

I think once you become 25 and up you should have sex exactly when you want to, keeping no timeframe in mind. We are all veteran daters and seasoned adults at this point- I believe at this stage time frames should have no bearing...When you need it or want it go out and get it.

I would impose a clause or stipulation-
I would wait 2 or 3 weeks in the guy I am dealing with has an exorbitant ego! Just to give him hell! HA!


I love being a woman!



Anonymous said...

i dont think there should be a time limit. Its more about a connection when you already have a attraction to someone. If your two mature adults then you can communicate the expectations of one another, in other words it maybe 3 weeks or it maybe 3 days.....

Michael Kolawole