Sunday, August 5, 2012

Artificial Insemination: A Woman's Choice

Being single has its highs and lows.  The good definitely out weighs the bad being a single woman.
The freedom to go when you want. Travel when you feel like it.  Just throw caution to the wind if you like.  Having an enormous amount of flexibility is great.  But more and more late 30 somethings and early 40 somethings are realizing they are in a decision making place to give birth soon.  The number one reason has been that a large number of women are without a partner or husband.  Well in today's world women no longer have to feel like they have no options and will never bare children of their own.  Today we have "Reproductive Endocrinology" that will help you have a child.  When I first heard about this option and how available it is to almost anyone I couldn't believe it.  In fact I thought it was a great option in comparison to the latter "no child because I'm single".  I say thank God!

I've done a bit of field research on this and you can get all the information you need from your Gynecologist.  It's that simple!  The cost will vary depending on the type of Health Insurance you have and what process you will need. But its all very feasible for the working woman.

If you were in a situation where you were in a race to beat  your Biological Clock would you use this as an option?  And is there anyone out there who disagrees with this option of giving birth?

Post on my blog:

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