Tuesday, October 22, 2013

5 Ways To Be Sexier On A First Date!

For some ladies this is an easy task but for those who are in need of a little help here's some tips to make you feel like a winner from start to finish!

1.  Be the same you he is expecting or better.  For example if you say your not much of a drinker don't show up on the date and get totally wasted.  It will turn him off and make you appear flakey. 

2.  Wear something sexy.  This seems like a simple directive but some of you ladies have forgotten how to achieve this.  When in doubt check the internet, recent fashion magazine or your favorite celebrity to point you in the right direction.

3.  Act like he's the only guy in the room.  When you talk with him make sure you use good eye contact, this lets him know your interested in being there with him.  And make sure you smile!

4.  If things are going well a little touching of the hand or shoulder is a good indicator that you are feeling him and he will in turn mirror that behavior.  Never do this unless you are seeing non verbal cues that he's clearly interested as well.  Let him lead in this instance.

5.  Relax and have a good time.  Body language is everything, if your comfortable with yourself he can see that.  And nothing is more alluring than a woman who is comfortable with herself and her surroundings.  Have a good time!

For more tips on Dating Smart.  Visit www.thedatingfactor.blogspot.com  or inbox me on FB for a Dating Coach Session.



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