Saturday, April 12, 2014

What Should You Do When He Tells You: Dont Tell People Were Dating!

Is this happening to you?  Are you thinking, am I making stuff up or does this seem weird? Are you questioning yourself wondering if your being too passive?  If your not questioning yourself you should be. 

Listen, if a man wants to be with you he's excited about you and is really happy to tell everyone everywhere that the two of you are an item.  It shouldn't be a big secret that your together.  Do you have a huge SINGLE status on your FB page?  And because you have been warned by him never ever to post a picture of the two of you out on the town your now questioning the validity of the relationship.  Has he given you a sit down conversation quietly about why he believes its important not to tell people or post anything socially?  Its embarrassing that it happened but you have to address this situation.  Because if you don't, you will never get what you want. Stop living in this imaginary land that he has created that the two of you live on. 

Your fooling yourself if you believe you are the only one he is seeing.  This is a clear sign that he is not exclusively seeing you.  And definitely has some commitment issues when it comes to you. 
He could possibly be seeing other women and telling them the exact same thing while sleeping with you.  There are clear signs to know if the guy your with is on the up and up.  Ignoring those red flags will not make them go away.  A guy that's WITH you will post a lovely photo of the two of you on his Facebook account as soon as possible.  He wants everybody to know this is my girl, Don't Touch!

Remember what I've told you the next time your smiling pretty with him for the camera.  See if he will allow you to post the picture on your Facebook.  If he says no and becomes defensive there's your answer. 

Stay savvy ladies.  Happy Dating!


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