Sunday, November 29, 2015

Double Dating: Yay or Nay?

So I just recently have started dating someone who has become my new plus one.  Double Triple Stars!  With our new found love has come quite a few invitations to double date. My initial response is, "That sounds great lets plan it!"  After a few days I revisited the idea and thought "Naw". 

In my opinion double dating is for couples who have exhausted everything and need props to make the evening interesting.  The two of us are interesting enough and props are the last thing we need.  Enjoy your Happy Bubble!  These first moments only happen once you Lucky Girl!
I think double dating is a good time at the right time.  At the beginning it's so important to have that bonding time.  Spending time with that special someone can truly be a time of discovery and fun!  Enjoying quiet time alone, Going on date nights and Cuddling is the time to get in each others nook.  Get to know the core of a person and decide if you want to spend another minute with this guy.  But more than likely if your even considering a double date things are going fine. 
My advice is to PUMP THE BRAKES on the double dating idea for at least 3 months and see how it goes.   

*Be Authentically You.  Love Yourself.  Be True To Thine Self.  Honesty Is Important.*

Important Take Away:  Covet what's important to you

Love You Ladies. Enjoy the Holidays!

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