Saturday, August 27, 2016

Full Bush vs Cleanly Shaven. What Do The Men Want?

As simple a decision I believe this to be it apparently gets mixed reviews from the ladies.  I can't understand why a lady would walk around with a bunch of hair in her pants.  It's just not okay.  I was in the gym locker room the other day and spotted a women who not only was the most comfortable being naked but stayed that way for more than ten minutes with a FULL BUSH.  It was like she wanted people to see her unsanitary private parts.  I was totally disgusted.

I asked some of my male friends what they thought and most of them said they thought it was sexy when a woman cared to have it waxed, shaved or even waxed in a special trimmed down shape.  Ladies please, please, please, keep your privates clean and clear of an abundance of HAIR.  It can cause an increase in bacteria in that area and cause a yeast infection.  YUK! 

So hopefully this will motivate you to clean it up! 

As always happy and healthy dating.

Love & Light!


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