Friday, March 16, 2012

Is there still a Caste System?

Do you need your significant other to be along the same social status as you?  Or is it fine to mix it up a bit.  He's from an upper class background and shes from a working middle class family or he's from a working lower income background and she's a total blue blood.  Does it matter?  Do we need to share a similar background to share our minds, hearts and beds to feel comfortable in private and more importantly in public?  And if these types mix will they end in matrimony or just one of those things we would like to erase from the books.  What would you do and better still is this your situation?  Share your thoughts, I'm sure lots of folks have different views.  


Scott S. said...

Mix it up, if both are secure in their own backgrounds. The biggest challenge, is not getting bored with each other - if you have the same background, chances are, someone is going to get bored of the other... other than that - luck is just finding someone compatible, regardless!

pDolorosus said...

it all depends on the two individuals. class or caste, does not determine a persons character, personality or behavioral type. what matters is the harmonium shared between the two individuals, regardless of stratification differences. background does not matter nearly as much as who the individuals really are and their willingness to explore and truly appreciate the differences that reside in the other.

LC said...

Well they say that opposites do attract. But sometimes opposites may not connect in the same social status, and may not necessarily share the same common goals. Ultimately in the long-term there may be a breakdown in communication, not connecting on the same levels, may not share the same values, morals, and upbringing; especially if they lack character. In my opinion, it matters, in terms of sharing similar backgrounds, if not it may lead to possible rivalry, jealousy, and a social disconnect. One person may feel insecure, and then the other person will have to work harder and use more energy making the other person feel more significant. One would spend more time trying to be at their or below level, and the other working overtime coming up to the others level. No balance! I have tried the mixing and mingling for it to only end in disaster vs. matrimony. So going forward, I would prefer that I connect with someone on the same social status.