Thursday, March 15, 2012

Would You Date Your Friends Ex?

While some of us still believe in things like loyalty, self-respect, ethics and just plain knowing right from wrong; there are some who don't consider this important in dating.  There are more than enough single available men and women out there, aren't they?  Some might say well we don't have to get personal but isn't it ummm I dare say it "Personal"?  Your friend probably slept with this person and knows things that you may never know about them.  You then have to ask your self "Do I feel comfortable with this?"  

Now of course if the friendship isn't really solid and you like to roll out a little shabby like that then you wont mind being looked at funny by all of your friends that know the situation.  Also it takes quite a special person to be comfortable with dating their ex's friend of whom they only know because of the past relationship.  Not to mention if you are super tight with that friend it may cause a lot of tension at social gatherings.  In my experience when you break up with someone you almost want to believe they died or went to some far away land so you never have to see them again in life.  So seeing them show up in the present will definitely distance if not end your current friendship.  In fact you will probably have to choose one or the other.

I believe that most people are quite territorial about "their things".  In my own opinion I think its a bit tacky; but its not my call.

I'd like to hear what you think about  getting close and personal with your friends ex significant other.  Does the pond truly have that few fish we need to go for sushi?   Leave your thoughts......



I agree with you its too many single people out there. Dating your friends x is like taking a dip in sombodies used bath water.


Kimberly Hawthorne said...

I have to agree with that.