Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day: Not just for the couples

Bah Bah.  No wait.  It's Valentine's Day.  I've been in that place where it's Valentines Day and you're a Single Girl in the City but wish you weren't.  Well, I've always taken solace that this is an opportunity for single guys and girls to go to a fabulous party downtown.  There are great Valentine's Day Party's in the city to go to and have a great time and look good doing so.  Chicago Magazine has a great party for singles, if your looking for direction go to Metro Mix and you will find lots to do as well. With an open mind and open heart you never know how the night may end.  You could meet some wonderful men and make some new friends. 

All the partying and laughing will completely change your perception of Valentine's Day when your single. Cheers!

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?  Share with us! 

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