Monday, February 11, 2013

Would You Date A Man with No Means To an End?

The dating world can be tricky but we have the power to choose who we date.  So with that power, would you purposely choose a man who doesn't have an income, car or home?  Apparently this is a trend that women are adopting more and more.  One woman told me she's really crazy about the guy she's seeing now.  She says he helps her out a lot with sex, picking up her daughters from school and little odds and ends around the house.  I simply nodded and responded, "Well if it works for you great."  I am truly confused by my associates choice, she is a person who is always saying she wants a dual income household but she chose the opposite.

Another girlfriend of mines dated a guy who posed as a gainfully employed man but she found out later he had no means to be heard of.  No car that was really his, no place to live and no money to take them out or feed them.  She said it just kind of dawned on her one day that this guy was totally taking advantage of her. One day she arrived home from work and told him to get out!  I guess that's how you do it.  Get your stuff and go dude.  I thought her story was pretty funny and she was smart to make a call the minute she saw what was really going on.  It was complete with animated facial expressions and swear words.  I thought LIFE what a hoot.

My personal choice is to choose someone who is my equal in regards to wanting to provide something to our bottom line.  That's the smart girls way of thinking when your out in the dating pool.  Sex is great and having a good time is nice too but no one wants to go ten rounds about why the light bill wasn't paid. 

Maybe your a rich girl who likes to foot the bill for everything.  Go for it!  But be cautious those kind of people will keep coming back to the well.  To them your no more than an open checking account.

At the end of the day life is precious don't waste time on people who may just be interested in getting the best of it for themselves. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Visit me at 


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