Monday, September 16, 2013

Would you Date Somebody Who is Not Attractive?

It's a little trivial but sometimes attractive people date unattractive people.  When those worlds collide you can expect for some pretty strange looks to those couples that is.  But I cant help but wonder why?  It clearly wasn't the attractive persons first choice.  So what happened?  I can tell you what happened.  Somebody got lonely or even possibly desperate.  And we all know that desperate isn't a good look on anyone.   I say even if your significant other is unattractive its up to you.  If you feel good about them it doesn't matter.  But if your ashamed, uneasy or embarrassed when you go to events, dinner parties or public places you are fooling yourself.  Don't spend the next 10-20 years pretending its all good.  Get what you really want and be happy!  Happy Dating! 

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