Sunday, October 13, 2013

Desperate Women Who Will Believe Anything. Why?

There's nothing I disapprove of more than a smart woman doing senseless things in their dating lives.  As I go around town, different women from different walks of life will tell me there most personal business.  I think it may have something to do with me being extremely personal and easy to talk to. Or maybe I just have a friendly face, nonetheless people just tell me stuff. 

For years whether I’m at the nail shop, work, or at a boutique ladies will spill their hearts out hoping for some good direction to take away.  They have been accepting bad behavior and treatment from the men their dating and even married to.  Yes I said married. 

I was sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and a woman was telling me how her man had slept with other women but he could never love any other woman except her.  She went on to tell me that she knows that he loves her even though he slept with other women because he always comes back to her.  But at the same time she’s close to tears the deeper into the story she gets.  Why would an intelligent women let herself be treated like this on purpose?  Ladies the door is open.  It’s called free will.  Don’t stick around to be used and abused.  She obviously feels like she’s not that great.  Her self-esteem is in the toilet and she’s drowning.  I simply asked her, do you love yourself?  She said I do but I know he loves me. She was happy to believe that this guy loved her.  At that point I said nothing more because she clearly needed a Life Coach to deal with her emotional issues before she could see her full value where as she then would never subject herself to such nonsense in the first place.

Most people would think that married couples wouldn’t have these kinds of issues as much but it’s actually more prevalent in marriages than you think.  Most of the stories I hear from married people scares the hell out of me.  One colleague of minds is married and recently told me how her husband doesn’t come home every night.  When I asked her “where does he go?  She simply responded nonchalantly, “I have no idea and I don’t even care”.  Hopefully everything will be fine.  It’s just a phase; she says.  I was shocked at that response as I know how much she loves her husband but it appeared that she would accept and believe anything he was willing to dish out as long as they were “married”.  She is clearly in denial and needs individual counseling to climb her way back to what’s real in the present.  Ladies this is not a healthy way to live your life. I’m her associate and I didn’t want to overstep so I keep my commentary and opinions to a minimal level.  Even though I can clearly see she is in a destructive relationship, she has to be the one to realize the marriage is essentially over or she can choose to live in an unfulfilling marriage.  In marriage you’re “all in” so if things go left the best route is to get some marital counseling.  If that doesn’t work a separation may be the best option to either healing or ending the marriage.

These stories I just shared with you are a clear example of women being desperate and willing to believe or even create a world that is imaginary so that they won’t have to deal with their problems head on. 

People desperation doesn’t look good on anybody.  It stinks in all shapes and forms.  Don’t be a door mat, abused wife, cheated on girlfriend or a single girl dating in abusive relationships.  Stand up for yourself and declare that you deserve a better life in your relationship house. Don’t spend unnecessary time in a train wreck.  This is your life.  Move on.       

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