Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What To Do When He Has Hygiene Issues?

This has happened to most of us at one time or the other.  We go on a date with someone, they seem nice but the breath is just bad, or his clothing appears unclean etc.  So the question is if you like the guy enough to get to know him better, how do you tell them about their hygiene issues? 

I have been on a date where I thought the guy was plenty nice but his breath was literally on FIRE.  I had no idea what to do about it or what to say.  So I just tried to avoid getting too close while we were interacting.  The second date I figured maybe he was having an off day last time.  But he showed up with the bad breath again.  It hit me the minute I got in the car and continued to hit me from across the dinner table.  At the end of the date he came in for a kiss, as quiet as it was kept I was mortified as I was dying and trying to back up.  I was more concerned about being rude then dodging the worst germs ever.  After that date I had a plan that on the next date I would offer him Altoids or some other type of very strong breath mint.  Fortunate enough for me the third date was a complete failure for me and I didn't even get to a place of helping him. 

Its too bad he doesn't know why my guard was up.  It was his terrible breath.  This will probably keep him from getting close to other ladies should he continue to pursue dating.  Had things been different I would have pulled him to the side at the end of the date and told him that his breath was really strong.  I use the word strong to be polite and avoid hurting his feelings ladies.  I would also give some suggestions like colon cleanse, brushing the teeth regularly, using Listerine and flossing regularly.  If he is closed to any of this all bets are off.  Bad hygiene is simply not acceptable.

No one's perfect but you can be nice because its free.  If they don't want it keep it moving, your soul mate could be right around the corner! 

Stay positive!  I promise you'll thank me later.


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