Monday, March 24, 2014

Is Age Really Just A Number?

I've been hearing so many conversations about dating older or dating younger lately.  It apparently is a big deal.  I believe that it all comes down to what your comfortable with.  There are many areas to look at that come with age.  If he's younger your concern might be is he professional, polished, educated enough for you.  Can you take him to different events with the confidence that he wont embarrass you in anyway.  Will you be judged in a negative light?  If he's older will he be able to keep up with you?  Are your interests going to clash?  Will you eventually get bored and long for the companionship of a younger guy closer to your age? 

These are all valid questions but again if you have answers for all of these questions then you can pretty much call it.  When you straddle the fence about it your prolonging the inevitable.  You will probably go with maybe not so much.  It becomes to complicated and the only way out is OUT. 

Age is important but happiness is important too.  If that person can fill a check in all your boxes of needs and makes you happy on all fronts go ahead and take the leap.  Don't worry about missing the bus if you turn this one down.  There will most definitely be another one around to pick you up. 

Stay Optimistic.  Keep Dating. 


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