Monday, September 19, 2016

The Shape Of Your Heart........

Happy Monday Ladies!  So good to be alive and living with expectancy.  I wanted to share with you something that happened to me this weekend that wasn't so great.  The reason  I'm sharing this with you is because it's so important to me that I show you that I'm not perfect and I also experience challenging situations in my love life.  Got me thinking about the shape of my heart and how I can never allow someone to crush it.  Everybody is not a nice person. 

Here's the scenario:  It's Saturday and I'm having an awesome day!  The sun is out and I've gotten my workout done, ran a few errands that were high on the priority list and now I have the entire day free to do whatever I want.  I ended up going to a Beer Festival in my area which seem like a good idea.  My best friend and I go over to the event happy as we both can be.  We were both hoping to meet some new men in the process of listening to good music and feeling some good energy.

Everything is perfect and then my ex-boyfriend walks in with a woman who wasn't attractive at all.  She was like 20 years older and she looked it.  He looked old and had on an old mans outfit in my opinion.  LOL.  But really being serious here.  He'd just text me saying he wanted to see and talk to me.  He at one point tried to pretend they weren't together by slowing down his walk waaay behind her until she turned around and he was given a look of disdain.  He's an old creep.  I thought I'd do something different and not be so anal.  He seemed nice and professional and stable, I thought.  Hah!  Even with that I was hurt and really upset that this had occurred. Sure he kept looking at me over and over again because in my opinion what's not to like.  LOL  No but getting serious again, I was really upset and the margarita I was drinking wasn't helping me.  I looked happy and pretty doing a great job covering in a public place but I felt hurt and totally blindsided by this situation.  We stayed for about two hours and my bestfriend could feel that I was hurting through my smiling face and fake dance moves to the live band.  She suggested we leave and with a nod we exited the bad energy that floated across the lot. 

The bright side of what has happened is that I was able to really access the whole situation.  He wasn't what I wanted anyway so there was no real loss.  Plus even though he reached back out days before means he's a liar.     So really it was like my ego had to take a hit for me to raise my standards back up and completely close that door in my mind. Ladies don't downgrade or settle, get what you want.  The minute you settle you end up getting even less than you settled for.  Save that one!

Moving forward is always a good idea when your moving away from and out of BAD ENERGY.  Someone once said, "It's better to be alone than in bad company".  And with that I say to you, stay inspired, positive and open to the possibility that something great is coming!

Goodbye to bad rubbish.  Maintain the wonderful shape of your heart and never let someone try to destroy it.  As always beautiful ladies be well!



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Like Who Likes You!

I was having a conversation with some friends and we were talking about how the men that we like are unattainable and have commitment issues "aka" not interested in commitment at all.  Sound like a familiar conversation?  Well that's because its unfortunately a common discussion between ladies. Here's the problem, we've got to start liking the people that like us.  That sounded so easy didn't it?  Well that's because it is.  Why go on carrying the torch for some clown who doesn't dig you?  BYE!  Tell him BYE!  No one needs that kind of torture so stop doing it to yourself.  Give yourself a break, dating is hard enough without you kicking yourself when your down. 

Here's what your gong to do now.  Your going to get back up and start looking up from where you are and notice all the wonderful men around you that want to take you out for dinner,  call you and ask you how you are, court you incessantly and eventually, commit to you in a relationship. Yes its just that easy!  You have to look into the men who are totally into you.  Not the scary guys but that cute nice guy that you have totally over looked. Now get to it and let me know how it goes.  If it's not a love match, there's always online dating. 

Best of Love To You! 
