Monday, January 6, 2014

Is there anything wrong with a single woman waiting with God? A response to Blood, Sweat and Heels cast member on Bravo

I was watching a new reality show last night called Blood, Sweat and Heels and was a little uncomfortable and surprised with something that one of the ladies on the show said.  It was so terrible that there's no other way to say it than to just say it; so here is the scene:

One of the ladies was doing a video piece on fashion in a fashion market in New York.  The other lady that has a relationship blog asks her friend so how is dating going for you? Have you been seeing someone?  Her response was basically that she was focused on her career and her relationship with God at this time in her life. 
The girl with the relationship blog said " Well God is nice and all but you can't fuck him".  What a horrible horrible thing to say.  How socially irresponsible.  I would think she would know better than to make such a terrible statement in regards to the Lord on national television. 

It's upsetting that this is generally an African American casted reality show and this is the kind of nonsense that were hearing from one of them already.  It's absolutely disastrous!

Just so you know God is everything and without God we can not hope or dare to dream, live, laugh or love.  Read the bible and take care in speaking such things to the entire world.

Shaking my head?????? 

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