Friday, January 17, 2014

You Slept With a Guy and He Stole Your Stuff!

You can never be to careful these days especially when your dating.  It sounds incredibly ridiculous but this kind of stuff actually happens to women.  I recently had a conversation with a lady and she told me she went on a date with a guy and she decided to sleep with him that evening at her home.  The next morning all her jewelry and the diamond bracelet on her wrist was gone. 

She didn't know where he lived and when she tried to call his cellphone of course it was disconnected.  Now I have to say I did feel angry towards the guy that did this to her but its partially her fault too.  You know I love supporting us women but when you missed it I have to point it out to you. Bottom line it was not smart to have some strange man at your house that you don't know.  It could have been worst, she may have never gotten the chance to tell me that story.  He was obviously crazy and dangerous.  And now not only has he gotten away with her things he had sex with her too.  It's actually a little comical but in all reality you have to have your eyes open and ears alert. 
Please don't let this happen to you.

As always Happy Dating,


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