Monday, September 19, 2016

The Shape Of Your Heart........

Happy Monday Ladies!  So good to be alive and living with expectancy.  I wanted to share with you something that happened to me this weekend that wasn't so great.  The reason  I'm sharing this with you is because it's so important to me that I show you that I'm not perfect and I also experience challenging situations in my love life.  Got me thinking about the shape of my heart and how I can never allow someone to crush it.  Everybody is not a nice person. 

Here's the scenario:  It's Saturday and I'm having an awesome day!  The sun is out and I've gotten my workout done, ran a few errands that were high on the priority list and now I have the entire day free to do whatever I want.  I ended up going to a Beer Festival in my area which seem like a good idea.  My best friend and I go over to the event happy as we both can be.  We were both hoping to meet some new men in the process of listening to good music and feeling some good energy.

Everything is perfect and then my ex-boyfriend walks in with a woman who wasn't attractive at all.  She was like 20 years older and she looked it.  He looked old and had on an old mans outfit in my opinion.  LOL.  But really being serious here.  He'd just text me saying he wanted to see and talk to me.  He at one point tried to pretend they weren't together by slowing down his walk waaay behind her until she turned around and he was given a look of disdain.  He's an old creep.  I thought I'd do something different and not be so anal.  He seemed nice and professional and stable, I thought.  Hah!  Even with that I was hurt and really upset that this had occurred. Sure he kept looking at me over and over again because in my opinion what's not to like.  LOL  No but getting serious again, I was really upset and the margarita I was drinking wasn't helping me.  I looked happy and pretty doing a great job covering in a public place but I felt hurt and totally blindsided by this situation.  We stayed for about two hours and my bestfriend could feel that I was hurting through my smiling face and fake dance moves to the live band.  She suggested we leave and with a nod we exited the bad energy that floated across the lot. 

The bright side of what has happened is that I was able to really access the whole situation.  He wasn't what I wanted anyway so there was no real loss.  Plus even though he reached back out days before means he's a liar.     So really it was like my ego had to take a hit for me to raise my standards back up and completely close that door in my mind. Ladies don't downgrade or settle, get what you want.  The minute you settle you end up getting even less than you settled for.  Save that one!

Moving forward is always a good idea when your moving away from and out of BAD ENERGY.  Someone once said, "It's better to be alone than in bad company".  And with that I say to you, stay inspired, positive and open to the possibility that something great is coming!

Goodbye to bad rubbish.  Maintain the wonderful shape of your heart and never let someone try to destroy it.  As always beautiful ladies be well!



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Like Who Likes You!

I was having a conversation with some friends and we were talking about how the men that we like are unattainable and have commitment issues "aka" not interested in commitment at all.  Sound like a familiar conversation?  Well that's because its unfortunately a common discussion between ladies. Here's the problem, we've got to start liking the people that like us.  That sounded so easy didn't it?  Well that's because it is.  Why go on carrying the torch for some clown who doesn't dig you?  BYE!  Tell him BYE!  No one needs that kind of torture so stop doing it to yourself.  Give yourself a break, dating is hard enough without you kicking yourself when your down. 

Here's what your gong to do now.  Your going to get back up and start looking up from where you are and notice all the wonderful men around you that want to take you out for dinner,  call you and ask you how you are, court you incessantly and eventually, commit to you in a relationship. Yes its just that easy!  You have to look into the men who are totally into you.  Not the scary guys but that cute nice guy that you have totally over looked. Now get to it and let me know how it goes.  If it's not a love match, there's always online dating. 

Best of Love To You! 


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Full Bush vs Cleanly Shaven. What Do The Men Want?

As simple a decision I believe this to be it apparently gets mixed reviews from the ladies.  I can't understand why a lady would walk around with a bunch of hair in her pants.  It's just not okay.  I was in the gym locker room the other day and spotted a women who not only was the most comfortable being naked but stayed that way for more than ten minutes with a FULL BUSH.  It was like she wanted people to see her unsanitary private parts.  I was totally disgusted.

I asked some of my male friends what they thought and most of them said they thought it was sexy when a woman cared to have it waxed, shaved or even waxed in a special trimmed down shape.  Ladies please, please, please, keep your privates clean and clear of an abundance of HAIR.  It can cause an increase in bacteria in that area and cause a yeast infection.  YUK! 

So hopefully this will motivate you to clean it up! 

As always happy and healthy dating.

Love & Light!


He Should Like Me The Way I Am!

Hello Ladies!

It's been a while since I've shared with you.  I always find it interesting to talk to other women about their ideas about dating.  Usually I'm shocked at some of the things I hear and just try to guide them in a direction that makes sense.  I was recently at a gathering where a group of ladies were talking about dating.  One of the ladies talked about how a guy recently backed out after only one date.  They met on and he told her that the picture was a bit thinner than her current size.  She was upset that he told her she didn't look like the same girl and felt he was lied to.  I had to intervene and ask her "why did you think he was wrong?"  She said well he should like me the way I am.  She went on to tell how they spoke on the phone several times and hit it off. 

I went on to tell her as much as she may be a beautiful person on the inside and outside to herself no one has to take her at all.  Ladies, you have to know that esthetics are important and we have to present what we expect.  If you want an attractive, smart and charismatic person you need to mirror that to some extent.  You cant just let yourself go and get mad when the opposite sex rejects you. We have to take care of the outside and the inside of our temple. 

This was a hard conversation to have, nonetheless it had to happen.  Remember to always present the best version of yourself!  You may only get one chance.  Good luck dating. 

Love & Light! 


Sunday, April 10, 2016

First Date Magic - Can It Happen?


It's the perfect Saturday night and you have a date!  It's date night all over the world so no wonder why a beautiful woman like you wouldn't be excited for such an outing.  So can you have MAGIC on a first date?  Absolutely. 
Here's a glimpse of what that may look like:
You've spent special time choosing the right dress and shoes, getting your nails and hair done all so you can hear those magic words, "You look amazing!"  You sit across from your handsome suitor wondering what he's thinking and then as he's talking to you in great detail about the wonders of the world he touches your hand and holds it and you smile on the inside.  A clear indicator that the eagle has landed and he is definitely buying whatever you are selling.  And whats not to like right?  Your smart, beautiful and obviously a great catch.  The two of you like each other enough to go to another venue for a drink to further extend the great moment that appears to be building in the beginning stages that will possibly lead to a second date.  You stare into each others eyes laughing, smiling and blushing.  The night is a hit and you are so glad you said yes to this date.  As you end your evening walking hand and hand your thinking this was a pretty great night.  Then poof!  It's MAGIC.  He kisses you and all of a sudden everything around you moves in slow motion.

In my opinion if your not having moments like that its time to get out and start dating.  You can't meet him at home unless he's a service professional coming to the house.  But thats not a typical option. But really magic can happen between two people who have genuine chemistry for each other. However you have to be open to the possibility of...........  You may go on 2, 3, 4 bad dates and then POOF!  MAGIC Happens. Yes Magic ladies!

Get out your dresses and heels and get dating! Your magic could be right around the corner.

Inspiration:  If you don't change your behavior nothing will change!  It's time to LEAP.....

Same Night Hook Ups - Are You A Slut?


This is a tricky and old subject however I think a lot of people still need some guidance when it comes to knowing the basics of dating.  If your interested in reading my Dating 101 post please go through the posts and have a read and update yourself!

In any case ladies if you want these men to respect you and treat you the way you always imagined a man would treat you, you have got to resist jumping into bed with guys the first day you meet or go out to dinner with them. There's a name that they may call you after this one night of bad judgement.  Actually a few names that I wont list here as I believe we already know what they are.  Besides it not being a good look its simply not safe!  There are sexually transmitted diseases that you could be exposing yourselves to.  You have to be a smarter, savvier and more sophisticated lady in the way you carry yourself.  I'm hoping that I wont have to review this again and that you ladies are set straight.  So I'll leave you with this, from the mouth of my Grandfather to his daughters growing up, "Don't Step Out Your Step In's".

On that note be well, be safe, be gracious, be a lady.

Positive Note:  There is nothing wrong with you.  You are the apple of Gods eye.  You are perfectly made and deserve the very very best always!

Friday, February 26, 2016

How To Break Out After A Break Up! Special Edition

I know it's a sad story but sometimes things don't workout and two people who couldn't get enough of each other decide to go their separate ways.  So your probably wondering what you should do now?  Well, first your going to lick your wounds and that means giving yourself sometime to heal.  Spend sometime nurturing yourself, writing in your journal to clear your mind.  It's natural to go over and over in your mind how everything went so wrong that lead to you breaking up.  Go over it and then make a decision to get past it and get on with the good things God has in store for your life. 

Here are some things you can do while your getting back to fabulous you!
After a long work week, because it will seem long while your feeling a bit down and emotional. Do these things:

1. Get up Saturday morning and hit the gym!  A great Cardio workout will get those endorphins pumping and start off your weekend just right.

2.  Plan to go get a Mani/Pedi.  Getting pretty is never a bad idea.  It will make you feel better and you'll walk out looking terrific.

3. Get out with your girlfriends! You'll have lots of catching up to do since you were spending so much time with your now ex.  Because your friends love you they will be more than willing to get out with you for martini's, dancing and mingling with the opposite sex.

4. Treat Yourself!  Go and buy yourself something nice.  I'm not talking necessarily break the bank nice but something that will make you feel beautiful. 

5.  Last but not least get some rest.  It's hard enough dealing with your emotions but when your tired and sad that's a mixture for erratic behavior to do or say something crazy.

Also get back on  It's time to start dating again.  Us girls don't have forever to just be sitting around holding the flame for someone who missed the bus.  Keep it moving.  You are amazing!

And I know it will be super hard but try not to call him.  Learn from my mistake, I called him because I thought somehow it would change things but it wont.  If someone wants you they will come for you and if they don't good riddens to bad rubbish.  It's because we forgot how Fabulous we were before we started dating this fool.  He forgot too.  Your silence will speak multitudes. 

I know your thinking that it sounds like a good idea but its not that easy.  Well I'm going to say this, you may not forget about him right away but day after day and week after week while your changing your behaviors and actively working towards happiness one day you will wake up and actually be HAPPY!  I know it's true because it happened to me.  I promise you'll come out better than you were before.  Your energy will draw in a waaay better man than before.  As Joel Osteen say's "God will give you beauty for those ashes."  It's True!

So its okay to cry and talk to your girlfriends about your feelings, get it out!  It's totally acceptable with what you've gone through.  But know when its time to stop the sadness and look in the mirror and see the "YOU" that deserves so much better.  Your on your way to your blessings.  Keep pushing forward your going to see the sunshine again in your heart and mind. 

Todays note:  Don't Forget God's Promise!

Affirmations:  Be Love. Never Stop Believing. You Are A Winner. You Are Beautiful!