Monday, June 13, 2011

Older or Younger?

There has definitely been a shift in the dating pool in regards to age.  I see younger guys with older women, younger women with older guys.  I can see how that may happen in our society where the world is in a dating frenzy.  The question is how old or how young is too much!

It makes since if you are talking about a 5-6 year difference speaking rationally in reference to adults.  But lets keep it real, if you are 35 you are not going to be checking for a 48 year old.  It just doesn't make any real sense.  My concern is that you'd run out of things to talk about considering the huge age gap.  Difference in lifestyles, life experiences and even fashion.  And don't try to pull off the premium jeans and your knocking on 60.  Well that's only if you don't have a banging body.  If you do you may be able to still pull that one off.  But I think we've seen some older men and women looking real crazy in stuff that just doesn't look right.

Not to mention the embarrassing looks and glances from your peers and strangers.  Whether you like it or not you are always the center of attention and a human spectacle to talk about.

Of course there is always that extra thing that may make you feel like "its okay".  He or she is totally loaded and willing to give you full access to everything they have.  But then you have to ask yourself are you willing to compromise your self-worth for a few coins.  Your body, youth and missed experiences all for a little change? Not to mention you better really like your new title: GOLD DIGGER and the laughs that will follow.  Its a tough choice especially if you chose an older mate without the bells and whistles.  Sorry to say that's a little crazy but again these are all life lessons. 

I'm interested in knowing what your main preference is in regards to age.  Do you think it matters and why? 
Look forward to hearing from you soon.  Leave us a message on the board.  We wanna know.  ;)

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