Monday, June 27, 2011

To Give Birth or Not to give Birth? Thats is the question.

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Life is a wondrous thing; its also a complicated thing.  When did having babies become so complicated?  Back in the day it appeared that people got married and pregnant just like that.  No muss, no fuss.  But today its become stressful.  Women today have more things on their minds besides just giving birth.  Theres the option of a high pace career or an extensively busy social life.  Or in some cases not meeting the right guy to marry and have babies with.  What does one do then?  Then women are forced to say: should I give birth by other means or just say no to being a Mom? 

Its a tough question and alot of women are not ready to have this conversation.  The key is to be honest with yourself about not only the possibility but the probability. I truly believe when that feeling of wanting to give birth and have children comes, its hard to ward off.  With todays technology women are able to conceive with or without a man present.  My feelings are if you want a child, to go and speak with your OB/Gyne and find out what are the best options for you and go for it! 

Life is a gift.  Live it!  :)

Tell us your thoughts........

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