Friday, October 18, 2013

Dont be Bitter Ladies; Be Happy for Her!

I was out this evening and it is just sad how bitter and jealous women can be.  If you can't be happy for other women and your a woman there is really something wrong on the inside.  I would first recommend that you get in a good bible based church and pray for the Lord to help you with this problem.  This kind of behavior is going to block you from other things in your life.  Snarling and sneering at a girl because she has it going on is silly and childish.  I've seen women be jealous because another lady was prettier, wore nice clothing, had a better hairstyle or had a better man than she did.  I was at a party once where one of the ladies was pregnant and the other ladies decided it was time to smoke like there was no tomorrow.  A couple of the ladies really wanted to be pregnant but had not been successful yet.  Instead of allowing the pregnant woman to be apart of the conversation at the party they smoked her out until she had to excuse herself and leave the party.  They were bitter and basically were saying "We hope your Baby Dies".  Yes women do these kind of hateful things to each other.  Don't be bitter ladies be happy for her.  Ask God to bless you with the desires of your heart instead of wishing the worst for someone else.  This kind of behavior will only push you further from what you want.  Focus on GIVING.  It comes back to you!    

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