Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Going It Alone: Artificial Insemination

Now you know this is really a hot topic.  If the subject comes up its like SHHHH but honestly in todays world this is a way of life for a woman.  I like to keep it real and this is a very real situation that working single women are faced with.  Whether or not to go it alone or just pass up your dreams of ever being a Mother is a thought that many Late 30 Something women lie awake thinking about.  I myself think its dated to sit back thinking that if you don't meet the man of your dreams by say age 37 that you should just give up and throw in the towel.  I was speaking with a lady at a dinner party and she was telling me how its over for her because she was already 40 and she knows that she wont be having children now.  I sat there and looked at her with great concern.  I asked her so do you believe in Gods Promise.  She said pardon me?  I said well don't you believe that God wants to bless you with the desires of your heart?  I told her I didn't think it was just by chance that we were talking.  I gave her some information from my cell phone that she could use for a good Reproductive Endocrinologist.  She suddenly perked up and a new expression was on her face.  One of hope and possibility for her life. 

I think the reason some single ladies don't look at this as an option is Fear.  The fear of being judged, or spoken about in a negative way.  Look its time to get with the program.  This is your life were talking about and if you choose to tell yourself you cant do or have something then guess what you wont. 

It takes an in charge kinda girl to say I want to have a baby so I'm going to Have a Baby.  Don't sit around using the fact you didn't find Mr. Wonderful yet as a reason that your life is bad and you cant have any babies now.  Yes I said Yet!  Just because you haven't met the love of your life today doesn't mean you wont.  You should live everyday of your life not every other month or so. 

Knowledge is Power so if this is something you want more information on go ahead and contact me via TheDatingFactor FB Page in a personal message and I'll respond to you.  Be an ambassador of you!  :)     

Being a mother is a wonderful gift from God that every woman should be able to experience.  Don't give up your dreams because you haven't found your husband yet.  God will provide.

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