Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dating 101 Tip: Dressing The Part

Have you ever gone out on a date dressed to impress, smelling lovely and ready for a great time and have your date show up unprepared?  Unprepared as in dressed like he's going over to the neighborhood hangout or a bar. Can you say uncomfortable?  It's really a nightmare to go out as a couple on a date and you look polished and he looks like he just rolled off the couch. Sound crazy, well it actually happens.

What this kind of behavior says is that he was too lazy to really put forth an effort to wear appropriate clothing for your date.  It is my advice that you should wait until after your home and call the person and ask why they came to the date dressed inappropriately.  Its healthy to communicate with the people that come into your life.  Now if they think their outfit was perfectly fine then they need to be coached and trained on how to dress.  The only problem with this is that not everybody is going to want a project to transform a grown man.

Now if you decide you want to go that route and the guy just blows off your concern then you have a choice to make.  You can continue to date him knowing you disapprove of his juvenile attitude to dress appropriately or you can find someone more suitable for you.  Someone you won't have to check before every outing.

It's all about choosing someone that you feel fits. These small queues discern between what is right for you and what isn't.  Trust yourself.


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