Monday, January 20, 2014

Tell Him "Thank You"

Everyone has been in a bad relationship before. Most of the time when a woman has broken up with a man because they were not getting what they wanted they have been sad and angry about what they see as a loss.  But I want to give you another view.

Ask yourself a few questions:
1.  Are you a better person than you were when you dated him?
2.  Are you further along in your life's experience such as finances, friendships, career etc?
3.  Are you somebody you would want to date?

Hopefully all the answers to those questions are "Yes".  If you really think about it, all the life experiences you've had with an ex boyfriend has taught you something about yourself and life.  It has helped you respond better to certain situations that have arise.  It has helped you know who you are and know what kind of man you want and need.  So the next time you see him or think about him you should smile and say "Thank you".  Had you not dated him and broken up with him you would never have gotten to the good place your at right now. 

Life is funny that way, just when things look bad you realize that you have received God's favor.  Kiss him goodbye and move forward.  Just say hey dude Thank you!

As always Happy Dating,


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