Thursday, January 9, 2014

Running Into Your Ex's...Oh umm can you say uncomfortable?

In a city of 2.7 million people your bound to run into an Ex or two.  It's just going to happen.  I personally look forward to the opportunities to run into the few men that I have dated been intimate with.  I believe that no matter what your relationship status is at the time of the run in its really a good thing.  You get to do a quick assessment of yourself and evaluate your growth from that time in your life. Hopefully you find that your a better person and thank God you didn't stay too long at the circus. 

Most women would like to take all their ex's and put them on a forgotten island never to be found again.  Is that about right?  And of course the only reason for that is because the person broke your heart or just was a total asshole.  In my case I have broken up with most people on good terms, with a few nasty ones give or take but everyone's not going to love you on the way out the door. 

If you happen to run into an ex remember, this will be over as quickly as you face it.  Its too late to turn around at the market now.  Also make sure you smile and keep good eye contact this will help especially if it was a bad one.  Give a simple hello, nod and a curt smile and that should do it.  You walk away unscaved and looking like a grown up. 

Leave the scene knowing that the probability of you running into that person again anytime soon is slim and you can go on safely moving through the city. 

Keep your head up.  Happy Dating.

Kimberly XOXO   

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