Friday, January 31, 2014

Your Best Friend; Your Competition

Go ahead and admit it.  When you go out with your best friend there's a little competition silently at the table.  Of course you love her deeply but all is fair in love and war.  If a super hot guy approaches the two of you with light weight conversation your game face goes on.  The eyelashes start to flutter and its every woman for herself.  Now the right thing to do once the guy has made his pick is to gracefully exit stage left and excuse yourself.  But some of you will stick around and jealously block any advancement of conversation between them.

Look there are plenty of men out there, he just wasn't it.  Instead of being upset you should go and enjoy the event your at and meet more great guys that will be begging to speak to you.  So wear a cute outfit and get your hair and nails done because your friend probably will.  Just joshing. Treat each other with respect and have each others back. Because that's what a friend would do. 

Have Fun & Happy Dating,


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