Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who's The Man In Your Relationship?


If that question made you actually think about you and your guy for a split second, you may have a problem.  Truth is there a lot of women who are wearing the pants in their relationships.  I always say you have to let a man be a man.  And I still believe that, but what about when no one is playing the male role in the relationship?  A natural response would be for that woman to fall into the role without being aware of it.  A woman needs to feel like she can lay back and be a woman. Its important for her to be that for her man so that she can feel safe being passive in his presence.  The need to release the wheel and allow her man to take the lead. 
If your feeling like you have to take care of everything in the household, work, pay the bills, walk the dog, feed the children and make the reservations for "date night" you might be feeling like the man in your relationship. 
In these particular situations I suggest a conversation take place about roles in the household and a separate conversation about matters of the heart.  Because you should know that no one wants to get it on with "Control Freak Barbie".  And that's what you'll be if you go day in and day out without talking about what's going on at home. 
Express the need to be able to take a more passive role with the household and daily tasks by splitting up the responsibility.  Make sure you give examples so that he can clearly identify what needs fixing. Once he starts implementing what was discussed he will see a change in you not only around the house domestically but also in the bedroom. This new change will create a new energy in the relationship that will transcend into a new daily behavior everywhere.  Communication is always the key.  When things appear off balance you should always assume that the other partner is unaware.  You have to give each other a chance to be the relationship you always thought you could have. Until next time, respect each other and love each other.   
Happy Dating,

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