Friday, January 3, 2014

It's A New Year: What Not To Do When Dating

Hello Ladies!

It's a new year and I have to say I was all to happy to say goodbye 2013 and hello to 2014! Do you know what this means?  It means you get another chance to reach new goals and hit new heights. Another chance to WIN!

I wanted to start the year off with a little tough love.  I know you may not want to hear it but its a must if you are to reach your goals of success in your dating house.  I'm going to make this easy so here they are, what not to do when dating:

1. Do not let strange men in your house.  Whether it be to "use the bathroom" or just for a night cap, its a NO-NO.  He could be some nut and you wouldn't know it because you just met him.  He could rape you or just be plain crazy. 

2.  Don't let a stranger for a first date pick you up at your house.  You may not even like him now he knows where you live.  Just not a good idea.  Better safe than sorry.

3.  When you do go out make sure someone knows this guys name and phone number and if possible where he lives and any other important details. 

4.  Don't drink too much on a date in the early stages of getting to know a man.  You want to make sure you are alert and present so that you get to know him and he gets to know the real you.  Otherwise what's the point.

5.  Last but not least and my favorite.  No sex with some guy who you just met.  If you don't want to appear EASY.  Don't be EASY. 

I hope that these are good starter rules to take with you going into the new year.  This year I want you to make some strides and meet some great prospects for a future.  Follow these simple guidelines and I promise you'll thank me later.  As always "Happy Dating". 

Yours Truly,

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