Saturday, January 11, 2014

Facing the Pain

Sometimes in life things that we didn't want to happen occur.  The key is how we decide to deal with the situation.  In most cases we go straight to denial mode because were not ready to face what has happened and we have no idea on how to go about solving the problem. 

There are usually multiple parts of the problem that are like a puzzle all mixed up in a fish bowl if you can imagine that.  This would be a hard puzzle to put together for anybody.  The best thing you can do is focus on what you "can do".  I would suggest writing down all the things that are running around in your mind.  For example if you are going through a divorce, miscarriage, loss of your job or a recent breakup, write down in your journal  for example "Need New Position" and all the different issues that are attached to that issue.  Once you can see what it is your dealing with you can better prioritize what your plan of attack should be.  If your unable to move forward and be productive I would suggest a good therapist to get you moving in your life and your journey. 

By all means if you are grieving a loss of something, there's nothing wrong with spending some time alone and crying it out.  This is normal and you shouldn't be ashamed of that. In most cases it's not just a surface thing that is loss.  There's the loss of a dream such as a baby or a successful marriage.  When these types of losses happen you are in "Survival Mode".  This means your doing everything you can to just survive and be okay with yourself.  Don't worry about what other people think.  You just need to focus on being okay with yourself.  This is how you will escape long term depression, big time denial and fear of living your life.

These things will take some time.  Take the time to rest your mind and body and then get on to the bigger tasks.  By rest I mean sleep!  Get lots of sleep and don't feel bad about it.  One step and one day at a time.  I did it and so can you.

This goes out to all you Survivor's out there!   


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